ćwiczenie dot. "time linkers" w eTutor

12 lat temu
Czy w eTutor znajduje się ćwiczenie dot. "time linkers"?

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Odpowiedzi: 4

Wydaje mi się, że może chodzić o takie rzeczy jak spójniki czy przyimki, czy inne drobiazgi, służące do pokazania zależności czasowych między zdaniami czy częściami zdania, np: when, while, as soon as, as, first, then, next, before, until, after, after that, afterwards, during, finally, at last, by, by the time...

Chyba żeby nie. :)
12 lat temuzmieniany: 12 lat temu

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JĘZYK: angielski
POZIOM: średnio zaawansowany (intermediate)
PODRĘCZNIK: Podręcznik podstawowy: ‘Straightforward’ Intermediate,
Philip Kerr and Ceri Jones, Macmillan, SB&WB, roz. 1 - 12
CEL: Opanowanie języka angielskiego na poziomie średnio
zaawansowanym, według skali CEF: poziom B1
MODUŁ I (30 godzin; rozdziały: 1 -3)
1. Stative and dynamic verbs; Present simple and present continuous;
2. Verbs with two meanings; Lies; Personal profile;
3. Subject and object questions; Self-image;
4. British culture; British political parties; Britishness;
5. First impressions; Describing people;
6. Present perfect and past simple; Phrasal verbs (separable and inseparable);
7. Travelling; planning a journey;
8. Present perfect and past simple; Australia;
9. Town/city; Writing a description;
10. Getting around; Verb collocations (travel); Daily transport;
11. Modals of obligation, permission & prohibition (present time);
12. Make, let, allow; Accommodation;
13. Modals of obligation, permission & prohibition (past time);
14. Verb collocations (sleep); Writing a composition (advantages & disadvantages);
15. Social English: conversation fillers, requests;
MODUŁ II (30 godzin; rozdziały: 4 – 6)
1. Past simple; Idioms (taking risk);
2. Past simple & past continuous; A narrative;
3. Coincidences;
4. Both & neither; Similarities and differences;
5. Past perfect simple; Time linkers; Injuries;
12 lat temuzmieniany: 12 lat temu

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Oto co znalazłam
Time Linkers

1 The past perfect is often used with time linkers, eg after, before, by the time, as soon as, once, when, until
I couldn't go out until I had done my homework.
2 The past simple can be used if the order of events is clear:
He sold his house before he left the country.

or if the second event occurred as a result of the first.
When I realized what time it was, I ran outside.

3 After/afterwards
After is used to show the order of two or more events in the same sentence.
After he'd cleaned the house, he went shopping.
Afterwards means after that and can go at the beginning or the end of a clause.
We had lunch and afterwards we went for a walk.
They sent the result slip in September and I received the certificate two months afterwards.

4 At last/in the end/at the end
At last suggests that something good happens after a long period of time or more than one attempt.
I've passed the FCE at last! I failed twice before!
In the end has a similar meaning and may also suggest there have been one or more changes or problems. The result may be good or bad. (finalmente)
The car broke down several times on the way but we got there in the end.
NB eventually can also be used in this sentence.

At the end means at the point when something finishes.
Hand in your books at the end o f the lesson.
5 When/as/while
These can all be used with the past continuous to introduce an action which was already in progress when another action occurred.
As/When/While -I was running, I saw a rabbit.

6 During/in/for
These are all used as prepositions when referring to time, and are followed by a noun.
· During and in are used to say when something happened.
It rained a lot during/ in the night.
· For is used to say how long something took or lasted.
We went to Spain for two weeks during the summer.

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Time linker a co to za wynalazek?

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