Jak dobry jest Twój Estuary English

zmodyfikowany: 5 lat temu
Estuary English jest akcentem angielskim (jednym z akcentów londyńskich) używany jest on w samym Londynie, okolicach Londynu i na jego wschód.

Estuary English jest szerokim akcentem pomiędzy posh "old school" RP English używanym przez 2 % społeczeństwa a wymierającym Cockney czy językiem młodych ludzi Multicultural London English MLE.

Estuary English jest używany przez młodych i wykształconych Anglików, również z upper-class. Nie ma już praktycznie ani Cockneyów ani klasy robotniczej w Londynie (są za to emigranci).

Chciałbym zaprezentować Wam Quiz z książki Pana Paul Coggle: "Do you speak Estuary"

1. You are carrying a large parcel and you are on your way out of a department store. A man in his late twenties, who is coming into the store, holds the door open for you. What do you say to show your gratitude?

(a) Thank you so much.
(b) Thanks
(c) Ta
(d) Cheers
(e) Cheers, mate.

2. You're about to service a female customer computer. She enquires when it can be picked up. You promise that you will phone as soon as it is ready. Which of the following do you say?

(a) I shall telephone you, madam.
(b) I'll call you.
(c) I'll give you a ring.
(d) I'll give you a bell.
(e) I'll give you a bell, luv.

3. You are about to relate events that occured on holiday. You start off by stating that you and a friend went to Spain...

(a) A close equaintance and I travelled to the Iberian Peninsula.
(b) A friend and I went to Spain.
(c) Me and my friend went to Spain.
(d) Me and my mate went to Spain
(e) Me and my old china went to Spain.

4. You greet your friend Derek as he walks down the road towards you. Which greeting do you use?

(a) Good morning, Derek.
(b) Good day, Derek.
(c) Hello, Derek.
(d) Hi, Derek.
(e) Hi, Del.
(f) Wotchyer, Del.

5. You serve someone the cup of coffee they have just ordered. As you put down the cup, you say:

(a) Your oder, sir / madam.
(b) (no utterance)
(c) There you are.
(d) Coffee coming up.
(e) There you go.

6. A firend asks you for a loan of £100 for a few days. What form does your refusal take?

(a) I'm frightfully sorry, but that's just not on.
(b) I'm afraid I can't. Sorry.
(c) Sorry, no.
(d) No can do.
(e) No way!

7. You're explaining a football team's poor performance in a recent game. You sum it up as follows:

(a) Essentially, they lack the prerequisites of success.
(b) Actually, they haven't got what it takes.
(c) In a nutshell, they haven't got a clue.
(d) Basically, they're rubbish.
(e) Basically, they're rubbish. D'you know what I mean?

8. You're visiting friends in their new house. You need to use the facilities. Which of these questions do you ask?

(a) Where's the lavatory?
(b) Where's the bathroom?
(c) Where's the loo?
(d) Where's the toilet?
(e) Where's the kazi?

9. You're planning to entertain guests in your garden tomorrow. It has been pouring with rain today. How do you express your desire for an improvement in the weather?

(a) One can only hope that there will be an improvement in these inclement conditions by tomorrow.
(b) I hope the weather is going to improve by tomorrow.
(c) I hope this rain will stop by tomorrow.
(d) Hopefully, it'll stop raining by tomorrow
(e) Hopefully, it'll stop pissing down by tomorrow.

10. A middle-aged friend of yours has asked a much younger woman to marry him. You do not improve at all. Which sentece best fits your reaction?

(a) One can only hope that she will decline his offer.
(b) I hope she'll refuse.
(c) I hope she tells him to get lost.
(d) Hopefully, she'll tell him "no way".
(e) Hopefully, she'll tell him "no way, d'you know what I mean?

Scoring - punktacja
1a (-1) 1e (8)
2a (-1) 2d (5) 2e (8)
3a (-1) 3c (3) 3d (5) 3e (10)
4e (5) 4f (10)
5e (5)
6a (-1) 6d (3) 6e (5)
7a (-1) 7d (3) 7e (10)
8d (5) 8e (10)
9a (-1) 9d (5) 9e (10)
10a (-1) 10d (5) 10e (10)

Pozostałe odpowiedzi są po 0 punktów.

Analysis of scores and comments:

-7 to - 1 You're somewhat lacking in "street creed"

0 to 15 You are probably a fairly in the "middle of the road" speaker of English

16 to 25 You use certain expressions which are frequently used by Estuary English speakers, though you are not necessarily one yourself.

26 to 50 You almost certainly qualify as a user of Estuary English.

51 to 70 You are an Estuary English speaker, but towards Cockney end of the scale

71 to 85 You are a Cockney speaker rather than a speaker of Estuary English.

86 You are a Cockney and proud of it (and also probably near your 80)

Mój wynik to 25

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