Jaka jest różnica pomiędzy: "gulf" a "bay"(zatoka)

13 lat temu
czy jest jakaś zasada używania tych rzeczowników w zdaniach?
dziękuję za odpowiedź:)
zenstef - Bardzo wielka. Taka sama jak między wielką poduchą a małym jaśkiem do spania.
Miłych snów :)
- 13 lat temu zmieniany: 13 lat temu
Gość - :))))dzięki za porównanie:) - 13 lat temu

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Znalazłem takie oto dopowiedzenie do powyższych wypowiedzi.
Dodatkowo zawiera kilka innych użytecznych zwrotów, które opiszę za chwilke poniżej ;)

A bay is an area of water mostly surrounded by land. Bays generally have calmer waters than the surrounding sea, due to the surrounding land blocking some waves and often reducing winds. Bays also exist as an inlet in a lake or pond. A large bay may be called a gulf, a sea, a sound, or a bight. A cove is a circular or oval coastal inlet with a narrow entrance; some coves may be referred to as bays.

Bays and gulfs were significant in the history of human settlement because they can provide a safe place for fishing. Later they were important in the development of sea trade as the safe anchorage they encouraged their selection as ports.[1] Any bay may contain fish and other sea creatures or be adjacent to other bays, for example, James Bay is adjacent to Hudson Bay. Large bays, such as the Bay of Bengal and the Hudson Bay, have varied marine geology.
- a narrow strip of water that stretches into the land from the sea or a lake, or between islands
- a narrow/sheltered/shallow inlet
- a small bay ( an area of sea that is partly surrounded by land)
- a secluded cove
- a long curved part of a coast or river
- the Great Australian Bight
a sound
- a narrow passage of water that joins two larger areas of water
- Plymouth Sound

1. odnoga morza/ rzeki
2. wąska zatoczka
3. przesmyk pomiędzy wyspami

1. zatoczka

1. zatoka wybrzeża
2. zakole rzeki

a sound
1. cieśnina

Opracowane na podstawie:
- wiki
- pwn-oxford

Pozdrawiam Serdecznie
13 lat temuzmieniany: 13 lat temu
Gość - dzięki:)))) - 13 lat temu
quantum137 - spox :) - 13 lat temu

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gulf-część oceanu lub morza wcieta w ląd.Gulf jest oddzielona od morza cieśniną okreslpną jako Strait,charakteryzuje sie swobodna wymiana wód z morza lub oceanu.Pojęcie GULF dotyczy większych zatok .
BAY-mniejsze lub większe wygiecie linii brzegowej. BAY jest b.szeroka i słabo wcięta w ląd ,płytka i nieraz jest częscia GULF.
Czyli GULF to poducha a BAY to jasiek!No i tyle .PoZdro!!!

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dla dociekliwych:
Abbr. G.) A large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land, especially a long landlocked portion of sea opening through a strait.


bay, concavity of a coastline or reentrant of the sea, formed by the movements of either the sea or a lake. The difference between a bay and a gulf is not clearly defined, but the term bay usually refers to a body of water somewhat smaller than a gulf. Numerous exceptions, however, are found throughout the world, such as the Bay of Bengal, which is larger than the Gulf of Mexico and about the same size as the Arabian Sea.

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