On a train vs in a train

zmodyfikowany: 12 lat temuostatnia aktywność: 12 lat temu
This question may seem a bit simple, but there is more to it than meets the eye.

I frequently use Southeastern service in London (trains) which is equivalent for polish "PKP".
While on a train there are multiple announcements, let me quote one of them:
"Please do not leave unattended items of luggage IN the train or on the station."

As far as I know, the phrase "in the train" is commonly considered incorrect.
I wouldn't have asked this question if it wasn't for the fact that I've heard that announcement literally a thousand times.
Could anyone please shed some light on this problem.

PS. I also asked my native speaker friends and they say that "in a train" sounds awkward, which is fine with me as I also consider it as sloppy English.
This spoken phrase is being played nearly all the times while travelling by train, so it's really strange to me that no-one had changed it, unless there is some kind of an exception that makes this phrase acceptable or correct.

You can also read this thread:

Thank you.

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Odpowiedzi: 3

"In the train" używamy, gdy chcemy podkreślić, że ktoś, coś znajduje się, dzieje się w pociągu: "The train has derailed, I have a broken leg. You can find me in the train".
"On the train" to "w", a "in the train" to "W". W pierwszym przypadku niczego nie uwypuklamy, w przeciwieństwie do komunikatu o niepozostawianiu bagażu ("w pociągu lub na dworcu"). Ja to tak rozumiem.

Znalazłam to:

You can be on the train or in the train. Here is the subtle difference:

I’m on the train. (I want you to know how I am travelling and I am travelling by train)
I’m in the train. (I want you to know my location and I am inside the train)
12 lat temuzmieniany: 12 lat temu
quantum137 - Ciekawe... ciekawe, poczekam jeszcze na innych:)
- 12 lat temu

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Sometimes it is good not to treat learning a foreign lungauge too seriously. Something for distraction. It is about airlines but the subject "on or in" appears after 2 min. 55 sec.
12 lat temuzmieniany: 12 lat temu
quantum137 - !!!!!
Chyba jest to najlepszy skecz jaki kiedykolwiek widziałem, uśmiałem się po pachy, dzięki:)
Koleś wymiata LOL
- 12 lat temu
mceo - love it :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) - 12 lat temu

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To my way of thinking, the first of the two understandable ways I came up with of explaining this phenomenon is that 'in the train' is one of the two actual usages of the phrase. The fact of the matter is there are lots of similar language phenomena in the Polish language. For instance, two ways of declension of plural form of mecz in genitive case - meczów and meczy are regarded as correct. This explanation would be a possible justification for it having been used as official announcements published on the trains.

Apart from this, the phrase 'in the train' may be correct only if used in the collocation 'leave sth in the train'. But the more I think about it the more I am becoming convinced that there are two possible usages of the phrase nowadays.
12 lat temuzmieniany: 12 lat temu
quantum137 - Thanks for your input:) - 12 lat temu

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