drag sb down - what does it mean in this particular sentence?

13 lat temu
As my mother dragged me down the front path, I would clutch my stomach, cross my eyes and stick out my tongue, cough, choke, scream, and vomit simultaneously

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drag sb down oznacza:
pociągnąć kogoś/ pociągnąć kogoś w dół

Zwrot 'drag sb down' występować może tez w znaczeniu przenośnym:
- to follow sb

Inne znaczenia:
- to make someone feel unhappy or less hopeful (depress)

Wyrazy bliskoznaczne:
[1] upset
to make someone feel sad, worried, or angry wound
[2] disturb
to upset and worry someone a lot
[3] depress
if something depresses you, it makes you feel unhappy and disappointed, and makes you want to stop trying to achieve things
[4] distress
to make someone feel very unhappy, worried, or upset
[5] devastate
to make someone feel very shocked and upset
[6] dismay
to make someone very worried, disappointed, or sad
[7] stab
if someone’s words stab you, they make you feel suddenly very sad or afraid
[8] worry
to make someone feel nervous and upset
[9] hang over
if something hangs over you, you worry about it or feel upset about it

13 lat temuzmieniany: 13 lat temu
raf000 - Dzięki:) W OALDzie natrafiłem na inne tłumaczenie i mi nie pasowało do zdania :)
drag somebody down
to make somebody feel weak or unhappy
-Dwelling on the past only drags you down.
- 13 lat temu zmieniany: 13 lat temu
quantum137 - Tutaj oznacza to 'depress'.
Rozpamiętywanie przeszłości wprawia cię w depresję.
- 13 lat temu

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