Moral Philosophy at our website

zmodyfikowany: 13 lat temu
Hi everyone!

I was thinking of a topic that would sufficiently fit into recent events (both pros and cons to talk about) here at our favourite site.

What is your opinion about these:
1. violating terms and conditions of a website
2. e-tutor's indifference to most users

I do hope that some users will be willing to talk about those issues.
I know it's a hyde-park corner ;) sorry 4 pun :) but we really have no other choice but to use this place.

I look forward to your insights into other aspects of 'our' website.

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Odpowiedzi: 3

Hello mate,

As for me, I don't give a shit about etutor's commitment and cooperation, if you don't mind my saying so. I'm not going to buy a premium account. All I'am into is the awesome DIKI and the ingenious repetition system.

Anyway, to my humble mind the etutor's management shoot themselves in the foot! It's not time for detachment or blowing the newbies off. I know that there is no possible way that you can satisfy everyone but administration should put their best foot forward. The more pleased users, the better goodwill of website and hence, more lolly ;D

I get the impression that the confidence of etutor's users is on the wane. Indifference, plenty of flaws in the lessons, useless grammar, teacher's mistakes which rub some users up the wrong way ;D It's only my point of view but I think that the people concerned should look out for themselves ;)

P.S. And the 'department': Questions... 'This place is a mess!'

Cheers ;)
Marzyciel - błędy poprawie później bo trochę późno ;) - 13 lat temu
quantum137 - Ok, błędami się nie przejmuj, dzięki za wkład :-)
Zobaczymy co jeszcze e-tutorowicze napiszą ...
- 13 lat temu zmieniany: 13 lat temu

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To Marzyciel,
I fully agree with you, as always.
For etutor I have one smart sentence, maybe some of them will understand what does it mean.(honestly I doubt it)
"Excellence it's not about doing one thing right, it's about doing everything superbly".

I haven't been here for a long, long while, as I can see nothing has changed.
Nice try quantum.
God bless you, lads.

Sorry, I couldn't wait to add some new lines.
Our posts, comments and some answers were recently deleted by a magical powerful hand belongs to administrator.
Grammar is still only for a1-b1 learners.
Maybe etutor's website is colourful and at first glance might looks nice, but it's only delusion.
I'll not recommend this website for my friends or acquaintances any more.
13 lat temuzmieniany: 13 lat temu
quantum137 - Cheers! - 13 lat temu

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I have strikingly similar feelings..........nothing has changed and nothing happens cetera, et cetera
13 lat temuzmieniany: 13 lat temu
quantum137 - thx 4 comments! - 13 lat temu
KazimieraB - you're welcome - 13 lat temu

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