Znowu mam prośbę:) jeśli ktoś będzie miał ochotę to proszę niech przeczyta i powie jakie błędy popełniłem będę bardzo wdzięczny , pozdrawiam :)

zmodyfikowany: 13 lat temu
''Advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals at zoos''

Nowadays many animals are keeping at zoos. How do you think , is it good for them or maybe horrible? Zoo is very popular in big cities among children. Sunday trip with parents entertain themselves . But what with animals? Did whoever think about them?

Beginning with advantages , people can see beautiful , wild and exotic animals . Without zoos they will never can see them. Also many specieses may vanish without people's help. Zoo is in some measure shelter for animals , people take care of them. They live as close to the natural habitat as possible.

However , keeping animals in zoos is harmful for them. They have not enough living space and live under stress. The worst thing is that animals in the zoo will never able to exist in their natural habitat alone. They will haven't any chance to survive.

All things considered it seems to me that keeping animals at zoos isn't perfect solution but is more useful than harmful . I believe that animals will have someday perfect conditions at zoo and they will feel like in their natural habitat.

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Odpowiedzi: 4

Ostatni paragraf literówki... isn't, useful powinno być.

Wcześniej haven't a nie have't

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jeszcze ostatnie zdanie -> in their natural habitat. Zauważyłem, że mylisz them z their. Poćwicz to ;)
13 lat temuzmieniany: 13 lat temu

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Słucham nagrań ale sobie zrobię krótką przerwę na pisanie.
Pojechałem na Twoim tekście, jak jakiekolwiek wątpliwaści to pisz.

''Advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in zoological gardens''
Nowadays many animals are keeping in zoological gardens. What do you think?
It is good for them or maybe horrible? zoological garden is very popular in big cities among children.
The trip on a Sunday with parents entertain themselves . But what with animals? Whoever has thought about them?
At the beginning with advantages , people can see beautiful , wild and exotic animals . Without zoological garden they will never see them. Also, many species may vanish without people's help. zoological garden is measure shelter for animals , people take care of them. They live close to the natural habitat as possible.
However , keeping animals in zoo is harmful for them. They have not enough living space and live under stress. The worst thing is that animals of zoological garden will never able without help to exist in natural habitat. They won't have any chance to survive.
Essentially I think that keeping animals in zoological garden is not perfect solution but is more useful than harmful . I believe that animals will be in perfect condition in zoo and they will feel like in natural habitat.

Troszeczkę poprawiłem, pozdrawiam
ryan - Zenstef fajnie jakbyś poprawione rzeczy wyróżnił caps-lockiem ;) - 13 lat temu
Darecki123456 - ''It is good for them or maybe horrible?'' Hmmm...nie powinno być jednak ''Is it good...''?:) - 13 lat temu
OKB - Nie powinno być :they WOULD never see them? - 13 lat temu
zenstef - powinien być przedimek przed -zoological gardens-
- 13 lat temu

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Następnym razem proszę umieszczać swoje prace pisemne w odpowiednim miejscu, czyli w 'Tekstach'.

Zdanie ułożone przez Pana są nieco chaotyczne i obawiam się, że wypracowanie to byłoby bardzo nisko ocenione np. na maturze.

Następnym razem zachęcam do pisania krótszych zdań, co umożliwi bardziej logiczny przepływ informacji.

Poprawiony tekst:

'Advantages and disadvantages of keeping animals in (1) zoos.'

Nowadays many animals are kept (2) in zoos. It is really hard to say whether it is good for the animals or not (3). Zoos are very popular in big cities among children. Sunday family trips to the zoo are a common form of entertainment (4). But what with the animals? Did someone think about them?

Beginning with advantages, people can see in the zoo beautiful wild exotic animals. Without zoos, they would (5) never be able to see them. Zoos are in a way a shelter for animals where people take care of them. Even though the animals in the zoos do not live in a natural habitat, they are safe from poachers there.

On the other hand, keeping animals in zoos is harmful for them. They do not have enough living space and live under stress. The worst thing is that zoo animals will never be able to be reintroduced into their natural habitat because they will not have any chance to survive.

All things considered, it seems to me that keeping animals at zoos isn't a perfect solution but its advantages outweigh the drawbacks. I believe that animals someday will have perfect conditions in the zoo and they will feel like in their natural habitat.

(1) Tutaj lepszy byłby przyimek 'in', ponieważ mówimy o 'zoo' jako o budynku.

(2) Tutaj potrzebujemy strony biernej, ponieważ chcemy powiedzieć, że 'zwierzęta są trzymane'.

(3) W esejach radzę unikać pytań retorycznych.

(4) Zdanie 'Sunday trip with parents entertain themselves' jest błędne, ponieważ wynika z niego, że to 'niedzielne wycieczki z rodzicami zabawiają się', co jest nielogiczne.

(5) Po czasowniku modalnym 'will' nie może wystąpić inny czasownik modalny.
13 lat temuzmieniany: 13 lat temu
ryan - 4 - have made my day ^^ - 13 lat temu
Darecki123456 - Dziękuję za sprawdzenie :) Tak masz rację byłoby bardzo nisko ocenione , narazie na więcej mnie nie stać ale mam nadzieję , że do maja będzie choć trochę lepiej :)Dobrze następnym razem będę umieszczał prace pisemne w 'Tekstach' Pozdrawiam:) - 13 lat temu zmieniany: 13 lat temu

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