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zmodyfikowany: rok temu
Write a fairy tale about little boy Ben how he was riding to his school on kangaroo.

"Once upon a time, in a small village nestled deep in the Australian countryside, there
lived a little boy named Ben. Ben was a kind and adventurous boy, and he loved
nothing more than exploring the vast wilderness that surrounded his village.
However, Ben had one problem - his school was on the other side of the forest,
and the journey was long and tiring.

One day, as Ben was wandering through the forest, he came across a friendly
kangaroo. The kangaroo looked at Ben with big brown eyes, and Ben could tell
that the kangaroo was kind and gentle.
Ben had an idea - what if he could ride the kangaroo to school?
Ben climbed onto the kangaroo's back, and with a hop and a skip, they set off
through the forest.
The kangaroo bounded over hills and valleys, with Ben holding on tight. The breeze
blew through Ben's hair, and he felt like he was flying.

As they approached the school, Ben could see his classmates watching in
amazement. They had never seen anyone arrive at school on a kangaroo before!

The kangaroo gently lowered Ben to the ground, and he waved goodbye as the
kangaroo hopped away.

From that day on, Ben rode his kangaroo to school every day. It became a popular
sight, and the other children would gather around to watch as he arrived.
Ben loved the attention, but most of all, he loved the feeling of freedom
and adventure that came with riding his kangaroo.

Years went by, and Ben grew up, but he never forgot about his faithful kangaroo."
darkobo - If I didn't know it was written by AI I would suppose it was written by a human. - rok temu

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