Znane cytaty z kultowego serialu Brytyjskiego EastEnders

zmodyfikowany: rok temu
Dla mnie mieszkańca wschodniego Londynu, serial EastEnders najwierniej odzwierciedla jak rodowici Brytyjczycy.

Oto parę cytatów z tego serialu:

(Alfie) "You know what they say, darlin', the course of true love never runs smooth."
(Kat) "I don't want smooth, just something that's less like roller-blading down the Himalayas with a rocket up me backside."

(Dot) "Ooh, I say."

(Frank Butcher) "What do you take me for? Some kind of Pilchard?"

(Alan) "You don't wanna go upsetting the Mitchells, they have long memories."

(Zoe) "This ain't the Sound of Music, he's not going to marry you."

(Frank Butcher) "You're a wave short of an ocean, aint ya?"

(Frank Butcher) "I'll tell you what, pal, you talk to me like that again and you're gonna get a dry slap."

(Little Mo) "You've been a naughty boy? -- What did you do? -- Oh I'm sure you didn't mean to, you sound ever so sorry."

(Dot) "Luke, Chapter 4, Verse 23. Physician heal thyself."
(Zoe) "Zoe, Chapter 1, shut your cakehole"
(Dot) "How rude --"

(Peggy) "Get outta ma pub."

(Ethel Skinner) "You know what the bible said, "Help thy neighbour"."
(Dot Cotton) "But it didn't say, "Help thy common slut that won't help thyself.""

(Frank Butcher) "What do ya take me for? Some kind of ice cream?"

(Ian Beale) "Yes I've had three wives. One cheated on me, one Didn't make it past reception, and one shot me. What would you like to know?"

(Den Watts) "They cancelled public hangings or something?"

(Mo) "She's got a loud mouth and a foul temper. I dunno where she gets it from."

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