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11 lat temuostatnia aktywność: 11 lat temu
When I got lost.
It was more than 20 years ago.
At that time, I practiced orienteering into in unknown area, without maps, without knowing the exact route. I choose to walked in an unpopulated area. Then I chos the wetlands called Bator Bogs.
The is e reserwe lying.
They lie in the range of the mountains called Stołowe Mountains.
These are mountain bogs, they exist at an altitude of over 500 m above sea level on a plateau sur-rounded on three sides by a cliff.
In the reserve there are two large and several smaller wetlands.
There isn’t a paved road, there are only a few forest roads, narrow paths across a bog, some of them are sometimes flooded.
The bogs area incloudes a few dwarf trees, ponds, clumps of marsh grass, rocks and islets.
I decided to go through the swamp at its widest placet and then descent from the plateau to the village – Szczytna .
There is a railway station in that village. I wanted to return home by train.
I scrutinized a map of the Stołowe Mountains.
I planned the trip for at least 7, maximum 10 hours.
I prepared for an expedition for the whole day.
I prepared a raincoat type kangaroo, jackboot and Australian waterproof hat is this isn't flow isn’t in to the eyes.
I packed a few sandwiches into the rucksack tugeder with canned food, bitter chocolate, universal knife, camera and tarpaulin and safety rope.
I also packed two liters of water because stagnant water from bogs isn’t suitable for drinking.
I didn’t take a map, a compass, or a watch.
I got up about dawn on the day of a trip. I caught the first bus to of the mountains.
Ang got there 7.
After about two hours of marching I arrived it the Stołowe Mountains plateau.
It took another hour to reach the reserve of high moor peat.
It was sultry cloudy. Ther not wos sun. and wery low air pressure. It was likely to rain.
A swarm blackflies of mosquitoes fly over my head.
I elong got up about dawn on the day of a tramp. I caught arrived the first bus to of the mountains. I start arrived at 7.
After about two hours of marching I arrived in the Stołowe Mountains plateau.
It took another hour to reach the reserve high moor peat.
It was sultry . It was cloudy. It not sun. Was very low air pressure. It was likely to rain.
A swarm blackflies of mosquitoes how over my head.
I walked the path about a one kilometer when it ended in a deep water.
I turned back and I walked in opposite direction, but path was come to an end also in deep water.
I found the dry place, I spread the tarpaulin and I waited until the rain stopet and the visibility im-proved.
The insects flaw away because of rain and I could eat my lunch.
After some time the rain stopped, again raised the mist. But the mist over the epird egain ist over the marshes again.
My situation was still was very difficult, because I didin’t still where to go where but I seen not where it was getting late.
I decided to cross the bogs avoiding deep waters.
After an hour of walking, I found myself unexpectedly at the edge of the bogs.
After another 15 minutes, I came to the steepest cliff in the Stołowe Mountains whih is about height 100 m. high.
I didn't want to come back to the bogs. I walked another 10 km on the edge of the cliff.
This was not an easy wai. I walked very carefully for about two hours before I found a mild descent from the cliff. I was very far from the railway station. I didin’t have not had a chance to catch the train.
I found the nearest paved road and I hitchhig for home.
After the summer expedition to the marshes I learned the winter the only in the winter, best time for a expedition to the bogs.
Since then in the summer I avoid a marshes like the plague.

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