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2 lata temuostatnia aktywność: 2 lata temu
Witam, chcialam napisac zdanie 'Olie byl w siodmym niebie kiedy powiedzialam mu ze do odrobienia pracy domowej bedzie uzywal klockow lego.

Ktore jest poprawne?
Olie was more than over the moon when I said he would use Lego to do his homework. He loves Lego! (mowa zalezna?)
Olie is always eager to do his homework but this time he was more than over the moon when I said he will be using Lego to do his homework. He loves Lego!

z gory dziekuje za odpowiedz.
piotr.grela - Olie was (on the cloud of nine / over the Moon) when I told him he was going to use Lego for his homework. - 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu

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