Proffesor Micheal McCarthy about: "Bad grammar".

3 lata temuostatnia aktywność: 2 lata temu
Proffesor Micheal McCarthy about so called: "Bad grammar".

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Ciekawe spojrzenie na temat gramatyki :)

Choć on tu raczej mówi o nativach, którzy mają często nieświadome podstawy gramatyki przez powtarzanie tego co inni ludzie wokół nich mówią w danych sytuacjach. I jeśli oni wychodzą od tych schematów i zaczynają tworzyć nowe rzeczy które nie mieszczą się w tych ramach - to można je nazwać błędnymi albo kreatywnymi.

Nasza (Polaków) sytuacja jest nieco inna. My ucząc się języka angielskiego jako obcego, jesteśmy oswojeni ze schematami gramatycznymi języka polskiego i często popełniamy błędy gramatyczne chcąc przetłumaczyć nasze - polskie schematy słowo po słowie na język angielski. I wtedy rozpatrywanie tego w kontekście kreatywności - moim zdaniem nie jest zbyt trafne.

Wydaje mi się że skoro język jest nam potrzebny do komunikacji to dopóki jest ona skuteczna (komunikacja) to błędy gramatyczne nie mają znaczenia. Problem pojawia się wtedy kiedy błąd gramatyczny doprowadza do tego że odbiorca naszego komunikatu nas nie rozumie albo źle zrozumie (np. dlatego że nasz komunikat będzie podobny do innej formy gramatycznej która oznacza coś innego, albo jeśli nasza forma będzie tak różna od wszystkich form do tej pory że odbiorca nie będzie wiedział jak to zinterpretować).

Ale filmik rzeczywiście ciekawy :)
piotr.grela - Basia bardzo ciekawie piszesz, trudno nie zgodzić się z Tobą... - 2 lata temu

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'I don't make mistakes, this is how I speak' ;)
piotr.grela - That's right. It used to intrigue me a lot why you native speakers don't speak according the big grammar books and respected dictionaries :-) - 2 lata temu

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'According to' my knowledge it's better to speak doing mistakes than don't speak at all. If you read some articles about learning a language from 'polyglots', many of them say one useful tip; "The only way to reach a higher stage (level) of the language quickly is to speak often and make lots of mistakes. Waiting until you are perfect produces nothing."
So 'bad' or 'good' grammar means creativity. Thanks for this video, I've watched:)
piotr.grela - It's difficult to disagree with you. We often try to be super correct this hamper our fluency.
Many years ago, before I spoke I was pondering what tense should I use, what article, what word, if I correct pronounce words in such or other way, linking words OMG... it took me plenty of time.

Now when I want to speak, I speak.
It's often not perfect pronunciation and grammar.
Learning language, programming, playing musical instrument or learning other activity it's a process.
- 2 lata temu
londynwarszawianka - I agree with you that we often try to be perfect from the start and we think about grammar, the structure of sentences first rather than practice our speaking. I used to do the same...:)
Everything is a process, every activity and our life, too.
- 2 lata temu
piotr.grela - Seeing your nickname "Londynwarszawianka" I suppose you living in London as me.
To improve me hearing, speaking and understanding everyday English I use a method called shadowing.
I watch TV show (maybe a little silly) called "EastEnders (it's a legend) on the website with subtitles.
And I repeat sentences after actors on my mobile phone.
I use a website intentionally because there is a pause button in the left corner and I can press pause very easily.
When I encountered unknown me word, phrase I take a screenshot on my mobile phone, later in my free time I type it to dictionary and "Bob's your uncle" I've got them in my learning process on
- 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu

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Thanks for a nice response. The 'shadowing' method is really useful and I also need to do that because my pronunciation isn't good. Earlier I didn't pay attention to how to pronounce words and I didn't learn it, I was totally wrong. Now I've started repeating words, full sentences, idioms...etc.
"EastEnders" is one of the best soap operas from 1985, I've watched also "Hollyoaks", now preferring more videos on YouTube.:)
piotr.grela - You, me and other English learners are gonna be better and better every day.
It all needs time and practice.
I don't quite fancy the BBC. Because they are selling porkies 24/7. But only for educational purpuse I watch the "EastEnders" show.
When I'm outside cycling I'm listening English podcasts from YouTube or audiobooks.
- 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu
piotr.grela - Did you notice one important thing in the South British Standard Pronunciation that sound "ash" is replaced by "a" :-)
Have you met people who say: "He, she don't" and are highly educated :-)
- 2 lata temu zmieniany: 2 lata temu
piotr.grela - Londynwarszawianka watch this: "How to use connected speech in English"
Connected speech is far more important than grammar.
- 2 lata temu
londynwarszawianka - Thanks for useful links and great comments. I'll watch your recommended video about 'connected speech' asap. For me, everything is important so that's why I'm here to do some practice and exchange some amazing tips with other lerners. :) - 2 lata temu

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